My Organs Lying on the Ground 私の横たわる内臓 2024
Stop-motion animation. 11min.
Directed by Shinobu Soejima
Music by Marty Hicks
Sound Effect by Masumi Takino
監督 アニメーション 脚本 副島しのぶ
音楽 マーティ・ヒックス
効果音 滝野ますみ
“My Organs Lying on the Ground” is an 11 minute stopmotion animation, based on a folk belief called Womb Diving (“Tainai Kuguri” ). In Japanese the word for womb, “tainai”, not only refers to the female organ of the uterus, but also refers to the animistic spiritual hollow space inside a Buddhist statue. This is a space of connection, between life and afterlife, death and life. There, the boundaries between organism and matter dissolve, and outer and inner worlds are continually inverted.
We eat grain born from the soil, and what we excrete returns to the soil, from which grain is born again. We live in this cycle of inside and outside. Your internal organs may become other people's internal organs, or other people's internal organs may become your internal organs. You are the other and the other world is you... Could such a multi-peaceful way of thinking be a way of rethinking the relationship between the subject and the other? By portraying the idea of inside-out/outside-in cyclical systems, the work seeks to subvert binary structures such as subject and object, inside and outside, and visualizes the muddled relationship between our bodies and the land itself. As technologies such as artificial intelligence and the information world continue to intervene in our lives, can we regain trust in our bodies?
私は、アニメーションを「死から生」へと転換する動力」であるととし、米、肉、虫、人形(空洞の身体)をアニメートすることで、内と外、肉体内部と外部世界、死と生、との境界線を摩擦し、溶解させることを試みる。 あるいはそれは、主体と客体、内と外、といった二項対立的な構造を分解し、私たちの肉体と土地の混濁した関係性そのものを可視化する。今日の私たちには、対岸の他者と接続する術を必要としているのではないのだろうか。