Blink in the Desert 2021
Stop-motion animation 10min. 32sec.
Directed by Shinobu Soejima
Music by Marty Hicks
Sound Effect by Hisako Nakaoka
Nao Tawaratsumida
監督 アニメーション 脚本 副島しのぶ
音楽 マーティ・ヒックス
効果音 中岡尚子、俵積田菜央
One day a young hermit finds a winged insect and crushes it out of disgust. Meanwhile, the elephant sees the whole situation but says nothing. From that day on, the boy is chased by shadows of the winged insects. "
The title Blink in the Desert means “a moment of flapping in the desert.” A blink of evil sprouting in the middle of a lonely wilderness. This abrupt moment of malice attacked the protagonist like a tempting devil appearing suddenly before a person in his prayers. This work, which was filmed in stop motion, expresses the complicated inner workings of the human mind such as mental conflict and fear by intentionally using a doll that has no facial expressions and instead using the angle and shading of its face. The dirt that accumulates in the doll shows the changes in deep and delicate emotions, which is her technique of visualizing negative emotions. Please pay attention to how the dirt and scars change on the doll at the end of the story.
本作のタイトル「Blink in the Desert」とは、「砂漠で一瞬の瞬き (羽ばたき)」をすることを意味する。誰もいない孤独の荒野で芽生える小さな悪意の一瞬。まるで、それは砂漠の隠者のように、祈りを捧げる人の前に突如登場する誘惑の悪魔のようである。